Emily Bergholtz



34 years young


Mt. Dora, FL

What is your favorite medium?

Mixed media! I usually paint using acrylics. I also enjoy pen and ink.

Where do you find inspiration?

I prefer to make art intuitively. Inspiration can come from anywhere,but usually my feelings are the inspiration.

What motivates you to create?

Motivation for art making can sometimes be tough! I must feel a creative impulse and go from there. A goal of mine is scheduling more time for creativity.

How do you think art impacts society?

Among larger reasons, I think art is a way for people to express themselves that helps people to connect to one another on a deeper level.

What is your inspiration behind this piece?

“Dark Knight of the soul”:

This piece was done during an emotionally heavy year. I was going through a toxic divorce, fighting multiple addictions, and working on keeping my eating disorder at bay. This is a tarot inspired piece. The 7 of cups in the tarot symbolize choices, imagination, fantasies, and illusions. I painted the cups upside down to symbolize the breaking down of these illusions. The woman holding down the sword is showing someone surrendering to these truths. The sword, however, is still being held tight, showing that they are not letting go completely.

“fOrever healing”:

This piece was inspired by where I am now. This is less eating disorderfocused and just about continuing the process of healing, every day. When you let go of self-criticismand give yourself compassion instead, amazing growth can occur. Every day I work on loving, accepting and forgiving myself for where I am or how I feel, to move forward. I utilize a modality called EFT tapping that has helped me immensely in recent years to do this.

Why did you choose to donate to ED Warriors?

I am in long term recovery from Bulimia Nervosa. I have always enjoyed expressing myself creatively through the years. When I was introduced to Belle and found out about ED Warriors, it was a no brainer! I also loved the concept that the proceeds are going to help those in recovery. I also hope to spread awareness to the community as well as encourage others that may be struggling to keep moving forward. Being a part of this charity for several years, I can see my own journey in recovery progress, it’s a beautiful thing.