





When did you begin creating art?

I've been creating art since I could hold a pencil. I think most kids do that, but some grow out of it.

What is your favorite medium?

Honestly, right now, it's the procreate app on my iPad with an apple pencil. But as for traditional mediums, I would have to say, watercolor and/or colored pencils.

Where do you find inspiration?

In nature and people. Everything  we look as has interesting texture, colors and shapes. I take a lot of inspiration from the sky and water. Sometimes you'll find interesting color combinations and lighting.

What motivates you to create?

I'm actually not sure. I just do.

How do you think art impacts society?

It can be moving and terrifying. Art can change hearts for good or ill. There is a lot of bad propaganda out there made by incredibly talented people. Art can be very powerful. Moving. It's a very effective way of conveying ideas  in a way that many people are able to understand. Often in a way they never have before. Art is my way of processing the world around me. I think that's the same for a lot of people. Even if it's just watching a Netflix series. It's art.

Why did you choose to donate to ED Warriors?

I choose to donate to ED warriors because it's important. There are so many people who don't understand eating disorders. ED Warriors not only raises money, but also raises awareness through something people It might change the way someone thinks. That is how we make change in the world.